Explore the Homerton College cabinet of curiosities.
The Buck Stops Here
Unassuming yet unusual
Standing in the Combination room, a gymnastics buck has seen a huge amount of College history.
Homerton’s Stone Carvings
Created by David Kindersley
Homerton College’s personalised stone carvings were created by David Kindersley in 1957.
Two for Tea Settee
Entertaining hapless men
Now inconspicuous in the Macaulay room the long settee, once partly hidden by a screen where hapless men were entertained to tea.
Margaret Johnson’s Weaving
A long lasting memento
70 years after former student Margaret Todd designed and wove a woollen fabric at Homerton College, the College Archive has been very grateful to receive the jacket made from the fabric.
The Homerton Bell
Or, a bell called ‘Big’
Rung to begin formal dinners and events, the bell has always been a symbol of college life.
A Florentine Procession
Worldly fripperies and vanities
Hanging on the east wall of the Great Hall, ‘A Florentine Procession’ is a memorable feature for all who spend time at Homerton.
The Tale of a Fluffy Tail
Peter Rabbit Early Edition
James Brigden, Cataloguer at the Homerton College Library, explores two intriguing items in the Children’s Rare Book Collection.
The Pilkington Doors
Earliest examples of this engraved, armoured, glass!
The engraved glass doors leading to the Fellows’ Dining Room hide a rather eventful history…
First World War Memorial Plaque
Remembrance and reflection
A memorial for Armistice Day, 11 November 1918
The Skillicorn Gates
A remarkable gift
Standing proudly opposite the Principal’s office, the Skillicorn gates are a testament to one Principal’s impact on her students.
Damp Forest Walk
A painting by Ivon Hitchens
Hanging in the Macaulay Room, a vivid painting by a highly regarded English painter of the twentieth century.
Coqué Martínez Collection
Memorial to the Basque children of 1937
Some of the most memorable paintings in the College art collection were a gift from artist Coqué Martínez.
The Homerton Bureaux
Well-loved furniture
Bureaux were a standard feature of Homerton College rooms for generations of students
Organum: ‘Lullula arborea 14.5.61’
A long tradition of composition
One of the most intriguing manuscripts in the Homerton College Archive is this piece for piano solo, written by David Hindley (Head of Music 1962-1985).
The Unnamed Sculpture
By Geoffrey Clarke
Geoffrey Clarke’s memorable work is the largest permanent sculpture in the College art collection.
Foundation Stone
Hidden Homerton history
On the external wall of the Cavendish Rooms, the Foundation Stone of Cavendish College can be seen.
A Trip to the Fjords, via the Archive!
Found in the Archive
Joseph Chapman’s mementos from an expedition to Norway in 1896 now reside in the Homerton College Archive.